Midnight Blue LJ Shen 9780996135696 Books

Midnight Blue LJ Shen 9780996135696 Books
"Once upon a time, a mere mortal fell in love with a rock God-you probably know this is not a fairy tale, Mortals and Gods do not mix"This is the story of Alex Winslow- the biggest rock God on the planet!
With that being said, he is an addict, fresh out of rehab, selfish, self absorbed, and about to go out on a world tour. Knowing how volatile Alex is and how fragile his sobriety is, his agent Jenna was determined to find him a "sobriety companion" aka a "nanny" as Alex saw it...enter Indigo Bellamy "Indie" aka "Stardust" Indiie is Alex's NINTH "nanny" as he's chased off the other 8 in DAYS! She'll be no different, or so he thought
"I really can't stress this enough, but i'll try-your little mind games are not going to work- I'm keeping this job. Get used to me."
God i LOVE a feisty take no crap female!!!! Indie is a loaner, who is happy to spend her time in her room sewing her clothes when she's not spending time with her baby nephew who is in desperate need of surgery for ear tubes. Since her parents were killed, her brother was her family...then his girlfriend became his wife, and her nephew was born, and her family grew, but the absence of her mother and father had its effects on Indie AND Craig (her brother) Craig drinks too much, was without a job again, bills were piling up...this job, the paycheck - would take care of sooo much! First and foremost her nephews surgery and her family's bills and immidiate needs.
Three months, over 1/4 million, and 1 self absorbed bastard
"you're such a bastard, calling you a bastard is an insult to every other bastard inhabiting the world. We need to find a new word for what you are"
But that's the thing with "hate" -it is such a raw emotion, and such raw emotions have such passion behind them. Sometimes we don't even notice it's happening or to what extent - but at some point, that "hate" can turn into something "different"
While on tour, Alex is supposed to write a new album, but being heartbroken by his ex, Fallon who cheated on him with one of his best mates (did i forget to mention Alex is a BRITTISH rocker!?!- GAH!) hence the downward spiral that had him snorting enough coke to make a 5 tier wedding cake, he hasn't been able to write a word...until he finds his muse in Indie.
Three months- the ONLY female on the tour, and not just ANY female, one that could care less who he is, one that makes him feel "real" - just one problem, Indie swore she would never sleep with him!. Alex is still in love with Fallon and vows to get her back...but until then....
"You should live, and make mistakes, and i'm offering to be one of those mistakes, because you have nothing to lose, we have an expiration date, we have a deadline, we have endless 5 ☆ hotel rooms and an album to write and your family to save, and just ******* admit it - all arrows point in the same direction - US. TOGETHER. FOR. NOW."
Alex Winslow was beautiful in a way storms were - from afar. Just like them he had the power to sweep and ruin you. Two things i was too busy trying to survive"
"when i look at you, i see something broken that isn't worth fixing. And you look at me like i'm a cheap thing to replace the expensive one thats been stolen from you. See, we're all vases, and you're the one on the floor, shattered beyond repair. So, I'll let some one else pick you up, It's really that simple, have fun with your temporary glue"
The thing about building up walls is they CAN come down, with enough persistence haunted with passion, walls tend to crumble!
"When i finally lay my hands on you, and make no mistakes, Stardust, i will - you will be crying all right. My name. Over. And. Over. Again"
"if you want me to believe you about not wanting me to **** you raw, you should probably stop looking at me like that. Like you're already mine"
"you look at me with dynamite in your eyes, waiting for me to strike the match and finally set you on fire"
๐๐๐SWOOOOONN worthiness right there๐๐๐
He was handsome, no way around it! But Indie was able to catch rare glimpses into Alex she didn't think even his mates saw much of anymore.
"i had no illusions about Alex's nature. He was an addict and a tortured soul, and he wasn't going to stick around. But this felt like everything. This made me settle for 'now' instead of 'forever' "
But even "now" was short lived, shorter than thought. One night in Paris,
one fateful encounter,
one unimaginable secret
and "now" was gone
Not all secrets are forgivable
Will Alex go into another coke fueled downward spiral washed away with alcohol?
Will the asteroids that are Alex and Indie smash into millions of pieces littering the midnight sky or can they find their planet in which to orbit?
a brilliantly written story that had me wanting to slap the crap out of Alex and yell at him "wake the hell up!" then had me wanting to cry for the crumpled empty shell of the beast he was.
I highly recommend Midnight Blue AND adding LJ Shen as a 1click author ๐

Tags : Midnight Blue [L.J. Shen] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. It should have been easy. I needed the money. He needed a babysitter to keep him from snorting himself to death. I was cherry-picked especially for him. Responsible. Optimistic. Warm. Innocent. The worst part is that I should have known better. Alex Winslow. British rock star. Serial heartbreaker. Casanova with whiskey eyes. “Don’t get near the devil in a leather jacket. He’ll chew you up and spit you out.” Guess what? I didn’t listen. I signed the contract. World tour. Three months. Four Continents. One hundred shows. My name is Indigo Bellamy,L.J. Shen,Midnight Blue,LJ Shen,0996135693,FICTION Romance Contemporary
Midnight Blue LJ Shen 9780996135696 Books Reviews
"My Alex.
My little prince.
My fallen star in the dark, dark skies."
Infinite stars for this story of love, struggle, anguish and redemption.
Since I knew about this book, I knew I had to read it, because, come on, all the stories of L.J. Shen are completely addictive, but ladies and gentlemen, Leigh ruined completely my expectations again because she gave me a story that is completely insurmountable and I dare say it will be in my top 5 of my favorite readings of the year.
Alex ruined me for the rest of characters!!!!
Midnight blue is a heartbreaking, intense, emotional, raw, anguish journey and left me with the book hangover of the year. Captured my heart and soul during the entire story. I have been trying to write this review for several hours because it caused me so many emotions that I do not even know where to start and I know I definitely will not do it justice.
When I think of certain scenes again my heart speeds up and my throat is tight.
The story takes us through a journey in which we meet Alex, a rock star, obviously sexy, British (I can not wait to hear the accent in the audio book) just out of rehabilitation, and Indigo, our heroine, who is small, cute but super strong, and I loved her, one of my favorite female characters of all time.
Indie is hired to travel on the "Letters from the Dead" tour and be the Alex's companion of sobriety and prevent him from falling back into his vices. Of course, Alex is a difficult character and makes her life impossible, wanting she to leave. She in need of the money supports all the harassment and bullying of Alex.
Alex, is a difficult character to love, that keeps all people at a distance, sharp, rough and that kept me constantly angry with him. But, he is such a complex character and with so many layers that you can not know the real one until you manage to unravel those layers and little by little and without realizing you fall totally and completely in love with him, something that is completely inevitable, once you get to see the real Alex.
Indie is a brave, strong character who fights for those she loves and who inevitably falls in love with Alex. I take my hat off with her because of the way she defends all her ideals and does not let herself be harassed.
I loved the way in which Indie and Alex were complemented, how it felt so right and so real and magical once they manage to pass the difficulties, as they are so broken but so perfect for each other.
Undoubtedly this is a complicated journey, full of betrayal, anguish, jealousy, love, but above all sexual tension throughout all history, my God the tension was so strong and palpable that it felt like an entity.
I loved Alex's friends, Alfie, Lucas and even Blake, always worried about his friend's well-being and wanting the best for him. In addition, I loved the conversations by message of Indie, Jenna and Hudson, as it was forging a friendship between them.
Leigh did her magic again, this is an epic story, with a complex plot and twists that I never saw coming, with complex characters that make you fall in love completely. It kept me totally hooked and on the edge throughout the plot, crying like crazy, laughing like a maniac, and smiling for no reason.
If you are a fan of Mrs. Shen and you liked the hotholes, let me tell you that you will fall completely and totally in love with this story.
I dare say that this is the best work of the author, a masterpiece that still has me sighing.
Really, super recommended, you will not want to miss it.
"Once upon a time, a mere mortal fell in love with a rock God-you probably know this is not a fairy tale, Mortals and Gods do not mix"
This is the story of Alex Winslow- the biggest rock God on the planet!
With that being said, he is an addict, fresh out of rehab, selfish, self absorbed, and about to go out on a world tour. Knowing how volatile Alex is and how fragile his sobriety is, his agent Jenna was determined to find him a "sobriety companion" aka a "nanny" as Alex saw it...enter Indigo Bellamy "Indie" aka "Stardust" Indiie is Alex's NINTH "nanny" as he's chased off the other 8 in DAYS! She'll be no different, or so he thought
"I really can't stress this enough, but i'll try-your little mind games are not going to work- I'm keeping this job. Get used to me."
God i LOVE a feisty take no crap female!!!! Indie is a loaner, who is happy to spend her time in her room sewing her clothes when she's not spending time with her baby nephew who is in desperate need of surgery for ear tubes. Since her parents were killed, her brother was her family...then his girlfriend became his wife, and her nephew was born, and her family grew, but the absence of her mother and father had its effects on Indie AND Craig (her brother) Craig drinks too much, was without a job again, bills were piling up...this job, the paycheck - would take care of sooo much! First and foremost her nephews surgery and her family's bills and immidiate needs.
Three months, over 1/4 million, and 1 self absorbed bastard
"you're such a bastard, calling you a bastard is an insult to every other bastard inhabiting the world. We need to find a new word for what you are"
But that's the thing with "hate" -it is such a raw emotion, and such raw emotions have such passion behind them. Sometimes we don't even notice it's happening or to what extent - but at some point, that "hate" can turn into something "different"
While on tour, Alex is supposed to write a new album, but being heartbroken by his ex, Fallon who cheated on him with one of his best mates (did i forget to mention Alex is a BRITTISH rocker!?!- GAH!) hence the downward spiral that had him snorting enough coke to make a 5 tier wedding cake, he hasn't been able to write a word...until he finds his muse in Indie.
Three months- the ONLY female on the tour, and not just ANY female, one that could care less who he is, one that makes him feel "real" - just one problem, Indie swore she would never sleep with him!. Alex is still in love with Fallon and vows to get her back...but until then....
"You should live, and make mistakes, and i'm offering to be one of those mistakes, because you have nothing to lose, we have an expiration date, we have a deadline, we have endless 5 ☆ hotel rooms and an album to write and your family to save, and just ******* admit it - all arrows point in the same direction - US. TOGETHER. FOR. NOW."
Alex Winslow was beautiful in a way storms were - from afar. Just like them he had the power to sweep and ruin you. Two things i was too busy trying to survive"
"when i look at you, i see something broken that isn't worth fixing. And you look at me like i'm a cheap thing to replace the expensive one thats been stolen from you. See, we're all vases, and you're the one on the floor, shattered beyond repair. So, I'll let some one else pick you up, It's really that simple, have fun with your temporary glue"
The thing about building up walls is they CAN come down, with enough persistence haunted with passion, walls tend to crumble!
"When i finally lay my hands on you, and make no mistakes, Stardust, i will - you will be crying all right. My name. Over. And. Over. Again"
"if you want me to believe you about not wanting me to **** you raw, you should probably stop looking at me like that. Like you're already mine"
"you look at me with dynamite in your eyes, waiting for me to strike the match and finally set you on fire"
๐๐๐SWOOOOONN worthiness right there๐๐๐
He was handsome, no way around it! But Indie was able to catch rare glimpses into Alex she didn't think even his mates saw much of anymore.
"i had no illusions about Alex's nature. He was an addict and a tortured soul, and he wasn't going to stick around. But this felt like everything. This made me settle for 'now' instead of 'forever' "
But even "now" was short lived, shorter than thought. One night in Paris,
one fateful encounter,
one unimaginable secret
and "now" was gone
Not all secrets are forgivable
Will Alex go into another coke fueled downward spiral washed away with alcohol?
Will the asteroids that are Alex and Indie smash into millions of pieces littering the midnight sky or can they find their planet in which to orbit?
a brilliantly written story that had me wanting to slap the crap out of Alex and yell at him "wake the hell up!" then had me wanting to cry for the crumpled empty shell of the beast he was.
I highly recommend Midnight Blue AND adding LJ Shen as a 1click author ๐

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